Me gusta comunicar con quien le encanta de correr. / Hope to communicate with everyone likes running.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

lsd around gosho for 25k with companions

I'm cooling off my knees by cold insulators that got with some dishes. There were good things and undesirable thing today.

1. I bought a body lotion at L'OCCITANE in my neighborhood. I love cosmetics very much, stuffs that smell very good and make me heal and relax. The lotion that I bought has cooling effect for a while after putting on. When I get a good thing I really really happy... After running for 25K tonight, I healed and cooled very much.

2. I got two companions for run tonight. Taeko san called me and companied me for 15K, after we said good-bye I was completely exhausted by hill up and down running in hot and humid conditions. When I stopped for water, Jay passed by me!!! What a good coincidence! actually Jay and I have been talking when we could run together? when? when?? when??? Since he focuses on Saga triathlon race, also I got lumbago, we had no chance to decide specific plan, but we got good opportunity, it was pretty good, we had a good conversation running. Thanks Jay.

3. Due to good options, I completed 25K slow endurance run around Akasaka Gosho. Before I met Jay, I followed my HR number from 75% to 80, 82 or 83%. There are some hill up, HR could change easily. I just followed it. After said Good-bye to Jay, headed in Tokyo Metropolitan Gym and did stretch and muscle workouts for back and legs. Hoping to have more time!!! After running, I enjoyed a lemos sorbet, a huge piece of water melon, Asahi Super Dry and dinner.

Although, there was an undesirable thing, I was unlucky today.I'd like to move to a new apartment, so applied to a new Kodan, went for taking lotto, but I was not selected, so shame. I need to research more where is a nice residence!

today's efforts:
mileage: 25K
time: 2h25m41s
6:55(1K) – 18:40(3.3K) – 18:21 – 18:29 – 18:36 – 19:20 – 19: 43 – 18:22 - 7:32(1K)
avg HR: 147-76%
avg Speed: 10.8Km/h
calories: 1,321kcal
beginning time: 5:15pm

weekly mileage: 60K


Stephen Lacey said...

Great job for the run! You did your 25 km a bit faster than I did mine!

Sorry to hear about your bad luck with the lottery.

By the way, the word "company", as in companions, is an uncountable noun, so you only use it in the singular form: "I had some company."
To use a count form, you need to change to "companions". So instead of "I got two companies", you should write, "I had two companions." Or, "I had two friends for company tonight." Sometimes I will help with your English as well as your running ;-)

zihuatanejo said...

Sensei --- I was wonderling which is the best to say between companions and companies. Someone wrote to me companions but I could hear that someone said companies or company.
Anyway, I'm totally clear, I learned one more thing, thanks Sensei.

Although, I didn't know your comment before running. But I didn't rush. Only followed my HR from 70 to 80%. At hill-up HR could get higher very easy as you know, though.

quien es sobre de mi

My photo
Tokyo, Japan
zihuatanejo is a small resort place on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, it's my favorite place. Now I'm looking for a trail race in this summer, hopefuly run in a trail race and will prepare for the last Tokyo Int'l Women's Marathon to finish as my best on Nov 16.