Me gusta comunicar con quien le encanta de correr. / Hope to communicate with everyone likes running.

Friday, March 10, 2006

starting for 2nd marathon

I'm set to prepare for 2nd marathon on May in Hokkaido and I've run for 26Km this week actually. So, I've been exhausted already, I should manage all thing but I'm empty though.
There is something new, I'm worry about an elite runner who got hurt, the deadline's rush of some race, finally pollen season has come in Japan etc.

today's efforts:
mileage: 8Km
time: 42m52s
this week's mileage: 26Km

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quien es sobre de mi

My photo
Tokyo, Japan
zihuatanejo is a small resort place on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, it's my favorite place. Now I'm looking for a trail race in this summer, hopefuly run in a trail race and will prepare for the last Tokyo Int'l Women's Marathon to finish as my best on Nov 16.