march 19 sunday
Went for trail run with some Namban guys, it was not only cold-windy day but also beautiful day. I felt I've been pretty tired due to hard training, and pretty new in marathon training even I'm experienced, sleepy, tired, also crazy hungry. So, DNF today's trail run. I just took a train from Ikusabata to Ome even I was today's organizer. While waiting for everyone, I ate an udon at Ome station. I feel there is no limit of my stomach. Anyway, I exhausted today.
today's efforts:
mileage: 17Km
time: about 2h37m24s
calories: 1309Kcal
weekly mileage: 54Km
march 18 saturday
I ran from work to my place for 15Km. I was so tired due to bring my heavy back pack while running. It's been a long time "homecoming running". It's hard running totally.
today's efforts:
mileage: 15Km
time: about 1h15m29s
calories: 645kcal
weekly mileage: 37Km
march 17 friday
I'd like to go out for power drinking as Aya does sometime but patiance with it. After overtime work, I went out for neighborhood's run. I saw a big full moon, pretty beautiful. My condition was good even though I did hard work and moved desk at office, and also I need to work on Saturday due to my co-worker took a week off for caring of family.
I got a bad news from my friend Roberto who is coming from Mexico City to Tokyo. He needs to change his itinerary for June, that's so shame.
today's efforts:
mileage: 8Km
time: about 40m33s
weekly mileage: 23Km
mar 16 thursday
rainny day, and completely rest day
mar 15 wednesday
I don't join Namban's usual workout at the track frequently but I joined tonight since I wanted to get HR. At first, I was going to run for 12K tonight at Park as usual. My good advisor and friend Steve offered to go to track so I followed him and get my HR. My maximum HR was 190... I was unable to get max score as some gentleman expected. I think it's my max number right now.I appreciate so much Steve.
jogged a couple of laps in Yoyogi Park
400m(Steve's special training)
400m(Steve's special training)
today's efforts:
mileage: about 9Km
time: about ?m
weekly mileage: 17Km
mar 14 tuesday
completely rest day but prepared for tomorrow's HR test.
mar 13 monday
Instead of having Sports massage, I've run for 5K as recovery run in my neighborhood since forgot to take insulance card though. Tried to use my new gear Polar's stuff to caluculate HR, distance, time, calories, and something like that.
today's efforts:
mileage: 5Km
time: about 23m
weekly mileage: 5Km