Me gusta comunicar con quien le encanta de correr. / Hope to communicate with everyone likes running.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

the rehearsal running from shinagawa to the finish

I asked matie to set a pre-race running on the race course before the real one. I thought it's definitely effective to get motivation, confident, and to know ambience of a race venue.

I was sad a little bit because it was rainning in the morning when I woke up. Ate breakfast very quickly, a bread with apple cinnamon jam, a banana, yogurt with plune and cafe au lait. Hurried to leave from my place at 9:30am, arrived at Sendagaya Station at 10:15am, and moved to Shinaga Station to get started runnning at 11:03am.

JR Shinagawa Station has changed out of recognition
! It's totally different from other JR stations except platform!!! There are clean restrooms, fancy shops, something nice places to eat!!! but they are not cheap. All shop accept electronic payment by Suica.

Pick up on my earlier statement, I was supposed to run at 5:00 to 5:30/km pace for 15km, technically. I thought it would be tough running for me, but I was faster than my plan. I felt pretty good during running, so finished 1h17m for 15km! I had a good running in the rainning.

After running, I did two loops of speed session around Picture Gallery. I had no time more due to acupuncture's appointment. I planned to run easy and steady in my neighborhood tomorrow, and go out to Korea in Tokyo!!!

today's efforts:
mil: 18.6k
15K at race course, 1325m twice aroung the Picture Gallery, and 1k for cool down

pre- race: time: 1:17:12 avg HR:141-73% avg Pace: 5:05/km cal: 626kcal mil: 15k
lap1: time: 5:39 avg HR: 164-85% avg Pace: 4:18/km mil: 1.31km
lap2: time: 5:43 avg HR: 174-90% avg Pace: 4:21/km mil: 1.31km

avg HR: 141-73%
avg Pace: 5:05/km
cal: 750kcal
beginning time: 11:05am
location: TW's race course and Picture Gallery

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quien es sobre de mi

My photo
Tokyo, Japan
zihuatanejo is a small resort place on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, it's my favorite place. Now I'm looking for a trail race in this summer, hopefuly run in a trail race and will prepare for the last Tokyo Int'l Women's Marathon to finish as my best on Nov 16.