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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the lake toya marathon's report - long version

First of all, I'm so glad to be a member of Namban Rengo since I have many running friends very supportive.
Second of all, I'm so happy to be qualified for Tokyo International Women's Marathon, if not changes the rule.

I got a lot of email from you, so I'd like to report my 2nd marathon.My result was 3:27:12, I got an oficial time on Runnet.

I've been having knee sore problem since January, so I needed to manage this problem to complete for my 2nd marathon. It started with knowing my conditions. Since I couldn't join the last Wednesday's time trial for 5k, I joined Jingu A.C.'s. And went to see a doctor, how was my knee and was I able to run or not? According to diagnosis, needed to have muscles massage often and fix my running form. So I've been having it and an acupuncture treatment too, also I've been trying to fix my running form. These things were Steve's orders. If I didn't check these things, he wouldn't take on this volunteer work.

My minimum goal was finishing under 3h30m to get be qualified for TIWM, but if I could maintain my energy, I would speed up or keep going then finish under 3h23m.Steve calucured my race pace very carefully, and I agreed with his strategy. So I was supposed to keep going in the same pace 4m48s for 42.195km, he estimated that I would get slow down after 30km.

He suggested not to run in Half Marathon in Higashi Nihon Race since I needed LSD over 30k, and offered a time trial for half marathon instead.So we were supposed to do it in the Yoyogi Park on GW, but there was very crowded like Hanami, that's why we couldn't complete it. However, he offered an alternative to do it on the track!!!4 of us disagreed with him but 4 of us agreed, so we have completed this duty. I think it was definitely effective training for me, mentally and physically even I couldn't break 1h35m then, but it was good experience to know my status.We ran 52 and 3/4 laps on the Oda Field! It was pretty cool training even Steve got comsumed to pass me water, and energy gel while running and making a pace.

On April, I trained for about 340km, I couldn't stop running to calm down, but after GW, I exhausted. I couldn't finished for 10k in TELL race, even I was hoping to run in it, also couldn't get feel better until a few days before the race.Ran and ran, and next not felt like running anymore.

The lake toya marathon:
I flied to Hokkaido for only this Marathon, just flied and drove from airport to the lake, stayed one night, ran for 42.195k plus warm up, and went back by driving even I was covererd by plenty salt. According to the weather forecast, temperature was 20 degree celsius, humidity was 54%, and wind speed was 4m around the lake, it was completely a dry and beautiful day. Sometimes balmy wind helped me and sometimes blocked out my way. Participants were about 2,200, men's runners account for over 70%. (Is it normal?) Started in side of the lake, went straight and turned and back for 5k, and kept heading in the goal for 1 loop of the lake.

In the early parts of the race, I couldn't get my running pace because couldn't find the milleage signs by 5k, so couldn't make the splits as my plan. There were some hill up and down more than I thought, at hill up should I had to run slowly? I didn't get faster, just tried to keep going at the same pace, probably got slow a little bit. Even a little bit of hill up and down cource, I was all right until half point, just kept moving forward and charging some energy with candies and salty pickled ume. Then, the wind was blowing against me from half point to 30k point, it was the most tough section.I took water in every aid station, and drunk or squirted it on my neck not to get hot. Even the wind blowed against me, sometimes worked to cool down though. I lost a wrist band which Steve made me after 27 or 28k. However tried to keep the target pace 4m48s until 28 or 29k. After then, I couldn't keep running at the same pace and got slow down.

After 29 or 30k, I didn't have energy, just charged energy gels and kept moving to the finish point. In my head there were 6 characters "東京国際女子"(Tokyo Kokusai Joshi Marathon) in Kanji and I didn't want to say Steve "I'm sorry Steve, I couldn't finish under..." it would be absolutely absurd to report. So, had no choice except keep going. At 40k, I caught 2 women and passed, at before the finish point, caught one more, and finished in 3h27m12s(Official score).

Next target and after the race:
I enjoyed a big can of Sapporo Classic at the lobby in the airport, it was very yummy. I know the oficial beer is Yonayona but can not to buy it in Tokyo. I'm thinking of the race before the target race, so I will plan for it with my coach.

Thanks a lot:
Especially I thank Steve for your support. I couldn't complete this without your help, I'm absolutely satisfied with my result.

Thank you for all your help

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quien es sobre de mi

My photo
Tokyo, Japan
zihuatanejo is a small resort place on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, it's my favorite place. Now I'm looking for a trail race in this summer, hopefuly run in a trail race and will prepare for the last Tokyo Int'l Women's Marathon to finish as my best on Nov 16.