Me gusta comunicar con quien le encanta de correr. / Hope to communicate with everyone likes running.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

pre-race run for Hasetsune 30k

The left picture looks normal as a Spring has come! but I feel regret why did I sign up for a such hard and steep up and down trail run!

I might die next week but I will be fine because I got trekking insuarance, just in case!!!

Oh man!!!

1 comment:

Jon in Tokyo said...

why is no one smiling? :-)

quien es sobre de mi

My photo
Tokyo, Japan
zihuatanejo is a small resort place on the Pacific Coast in Mexico, it's my favorite place. Now I'm looking for a trail race in this summer, hopefuly run in a trail race and will prepare for the last Tokyo Int'l Women's Marathon to finish as my best on Nov 16.