I'm cooling off my knees by cold insulators that got with some dishes. There were good things and undesirable thing today.
1. I bought a body lotion at L'OCCITANE in my neighborhood. I love cosmetics very much, stuffs that smell very good and make me heal and relax. The lotion that I bought has cooling effect for a while after putting on. When I get a good thing I really really happy... After running for 25K tonight, I healed and cooled very much.
2. I got two companions for run tonight. Taeko san called me and companied me for 15K, after we said good-bye I was completely exhausted by hill up and down running in hot and humid conditions. When I stopped for water, Jay passed by me!!! What a good coincidence! actually Jay and I have been talking when we could run together? when? when?? when??? Since he focuses on Saga triathlon race, also I got lumbago, we had no chance to decide specific plan, but we got good opportunity, it was pretty good, we had a good conversation running. Thanks Jay.
3. Due to good options, I completed 25K slow endurance run around Akasaka Gosho. Before I met Jay, I followed my HR number from 75% to 80, 82 or 83%. There are some hill up, HR could change easily. I just followed it. After said Good-bye to Jay, headed in Tokyo Metropolitan Gym and did stretch and muscle workouts for back and legs. Hoping to have more time!!! After running, I enjoyed a lemos sorbet, a huge piece of water melon, Asahi Super Dry and dinner.
Although, there was an undesirable thing, I was unlucky today.I'd like to move to a new apartment, so applied to a new Kodan, went for taking lotto, but I was not selected, so shame. I need to research more where is a nice residence!
today's efforts:
mileage: 25K
time: 2h25m41s
6:55(1K) – 18:40(3.3K) – 18:21 – 18:29 – 18:36 – 19:20 – 19: 43 – 18:22 - 7:32(1K)
avg HR: 147-76%
avg Speed: 10.8Km/h
calories: 1,321kcal beginning time: 5:15pm
weekly mileage: 60K